Within the last 12 months

I can't get my formula to pull violations reported only within the last 12 months. Can someone see what I am missing?

=COUNTIFS({Compliance Master File V2 EE-number}, [EE Number]@row, {Compliance Master File - Compliance Category}, "Reinstatement"), AND({Compliance Master File V2 Violation Date}<=[Today]@row, @{Compliance Master File V2 Violation Date}>= TODAY(-365)))

I have my historical count and I added a "today" column, if that is not needed - would love to remove it.

My working formula:

=COUNTIFS({Compliance Master File V2 EE-number}, [EE Number]@row, {Compliance Master File V2 - Compliance Category}, "Reinstatement")


Best Answer

  • jessica.smith
    jessica.smith ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I simplified your cross-sheet ref names for demonstration, but does this get you the data you are looking for:

    =COUNTIFS({Master_EE}, [EE Number]@row, {Master_Category}, "Reinstatement", {Master_ViolationDate}, >=TODAY(-365))

    Jessica Selano



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