RFP Proposal

Hi, I am wanting to create two spreadsheets for and Request for Proposal. One sheet where all the bids will be listed, and another sheet where the Bid Project information is listed. I have created a form so that team members can send it to interested vendors. They can use the form to upload their proposal, and it would automatically populate in the Smartsheet. It than says I can link a bid to a plan, but is there a way to click on a Bid Project, and see all the bids specifically related to that project?


  • Hi @amahnifritz_corvias

    One easy way to set this up would be to have multiple Filters in the sheet where the form submissions are being stored. The Filters would be associated with each Bid Project.

    Then you can use the Sheet URL with the filter applied as the URL to click on in your Bid Project sheet. Does that make sense?


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