Need help with #unparseable error in checkbox formula

I am very new with smartsheets but i am familiar with excel and i can see the similarities and differences. I am trying to create a formula in a checkbox to automatically check the box when the cell [item type] says "PO" and the other column [PO #/CO #/Invoice #] does not contain the text PO. Here is my formula that is giving me a unparseable error. Any guesses on what i got wrong? I basically copied it from an existing formula in the sheet but my formula will not work.

=IF([Item Type]@row = “PO”, IF(NOT(CONTAINS(“PO”,[PO #/CO #/Invoice #]@row)),1,0),0)


Best Answer

  • Mark.poole
    Mark.poole ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 06/01/24 Answer ✓


    =IF(AND([Item Type]@row = "PO", NOT(CONTAINS("PO", [PO #/CO #/Invoice #]@row))), 1, 0)

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