Using Sheet Summary for Duration and Want to Color Code in Reporting?

Jenny A.
Jenny A. ✭✭✭
edited 06/10/24 in Formulas and Functions

We are using sheet summary to show how long each project is in each phase by using =duration1 (or whatever the line number is).

My question is - is there a way to color code it a certain color if the phase is still in progress, or on hold, etc, but we have moved to a new phase and it then shows a certain color then in reporting?

Ex: =duration1 (if status is in progress change to tan, if status is completed - no color, if status is on hold - orange, etc). I am just wondering if it is possible and if someone can start the formula, I can configure the rest of the colors. Thanks!


  • Mark.poole
    Mark.poole Community Champion

    @Jenny A.

    You have two options you can do. Conditional formatting. This is located across the top of the sheet.

    or you could add a symbol column and Use if functions. If you use conditional formatting. The rule at the top of the list take priority.

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  • Jenny A.
    Jenny A. ✭✭✭
    edited 06/10/24

    @Mark Poole Thanks for your help! I meant when the sheet summary fields are pulling into a report, if there is a way to add a formula and then make the cell in the report change color depending on the status. Sorry for the confusion, unless you meant it in a different way? Thanks

  • Mark.poole
    Mark.poole Community Champion

    @Jenny A.

    All conditional formatting has to be done at the sheet level. Then when it is pulled to the report the conditonal formatting will still be there. IF you pull the same report into a dashboard. then you get the option to turn off the formatting for the dashboard.

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