sheets not coming up when creating a workflow

Hi! I trying to setup an workflow connections between a normal grid file and a task list. I have admin access for the grid file and am the owner of the task list and these are files that were created over 5 minutes ago. When I try set a destination for the workflow on the grid file, no sheets come up as an option. Any suggestions?

Please note, the task list file has less columns than the original grid file. Would this cause it to not be able to create a workflow between the two?


  • Also note, when I try to setup a workflow from the task list to the grid file, the grid file comes up as an option to setup a workflow with. Unfortunately, the workflow I am trying to create is to copy rows that are updated on the grid file to the task list. I need the workflow to go from the grid file to the task list and like I said, no file come up when I try to select a destination for the workflow to copy the data to.

  • rhj09
    rhj09 ✭✭

    Hi there!

    It sounds like you're trying to set up a workflow connection between a grid file and a task list in Smartsheet. The number of columns shouldn't typically prevent setting up a workflow. Here are a couple of things to check:

    1. Permissions: Ensure that you have admin access for the grid file and that you are the owner of the task list. This seems to be in order based on your description.
    2. Sync Time: Even though the files were created recently, sometimes it might take a bit longer for changes to propagate across Smartsheet. Waiting a few minutes and refreshing might help.
    3. Sheet Visibility: Double-check that both sheets are shared with you and are not hidden. Only visible sheets appear as options when setting up workflows.
    4. Column Matching: The task list having fewer columns shouldn't prevent workflow setup. Smartsheet usually handles this by allowing you to map fields between sheets.

    If sheets still don't appear as options after verifying these points, try logging out and back into Smartsheet or reaching out to Smartsheet support for further assistance. They can provide more specific guidance based on your account settings and workflow requirements.

    Hope this helps!