Requests Per Month

I am trying to figure out a formula that will allow me to keep track of number of requests per month. I have tried countif, countifs etc., without much luck.



    JIDEATTURRA ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    First, have a column called 'Month' with the formula:

    =MONTH([Date Submitted]@row)

    This will give you the month it was submitted.

    Then on the Sheet Summary, make one called 'January' and the formula would be:

    =COUNTIF(Month:Month, "1")

    Then repeat this process for each month, changing the 1 to 2 for February etc. etc.

    If this helped, please upvote - it helps me and helps other users find answers!

  • May I please have a screenshot of what you are explaining?

    JIDEATTURRA ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    The above is the formula in a text/number column called 'Month'.. this identifies the month of each submission.

    Then, here is an example of June in the Sheet Summary:

    If this helped, please upvote - it helps me and helps other users find answers!

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