I need a formula that will turn the date in the Contacted Date column grey, if it is more than one d

I need a formula that will turn the date in the Contacted Date column grey, if it is more than one day past the date in the Assigned column.

And I need a formula that will turn the date in the Planned Inspection column grey, if it is more than two days past the date in the Assigned column.


  • Mark.poole
    Mark.poole ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 06/28/24


    in your attempted contact helper column

    =IF([Attempted Contact]@row > Assigned@row+1,1,0)

    use conditional formatting to turn Attempted Contact column grey if flagged.

    in contacted date helper

    =IF([Planned Inspection]@row > Assigned@row+2,1,0)

    with conditional formating

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