Automatically filter values that are '0' in reports


I have set up a report that reflects status updates. There are a lot of values here that are 0. When I project this, the chart is cluttered with legends that don't have any values

. Is there a way to automatically filter out the any cells that have zero in them and only project the cells that have values in them please? There are 66 columns with a lot of them currently at 0.



  • SoS | Dan Palenchar
    SoS | Dan Palenchar ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @VahiniMurali,

    Yes, you can set this up using Filter Criteria in your report, start by clicking this button.

    When you say you want to "automatically filter out the any cells that have zero in them" do you mean you want to filter out either:

    1. Rows where any column has a 0 value, OR
    2. Rows where all columns have 0 values?

    If you want to do the first option you would make a filter criteria for each column where it is not equal to 0. You would repeat this for each column and set the filter group parameter to OR. For the 2nd option you would do the same thing but set the filter group parameter to AND.

    Hope this helps!

    School of Sheets (Smartsheet Partner)

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