Display different report based on day of week in dashboard widget

Hello all, New user here.

I am building an updated dashboard for my job and I was wondering if there is a workflow that will allow a report widget to display a different report depending on the day of the week? I have used other examples here in the community to add a widget that displays the days date and day of the week… My hope was to use that data to dictate which report displays in the widget…

Hope that makes sense :)



  • I may have found my own solution… I am going to combine some of my reports using more conditions using my newly created day of week widget items.

    More info as I break things. :P

  • Try as I might, I have not yet found a way to do this. I tried unifying my daily reports into one and filtering that accordingly but I just get a jumble of information. If anyone has any ideas I am all ears. I'm honestly not sure if this is possible without an outside Automator like power automate or other…