Can you create a chart on a dashboard with blank rows?

Pauline J
Pauline J ✭✭✭✭✭

I have a metric that will report, month over month, new values as they are calculated and added to a sheet. There is an automation that runs each month to copy the current metric row, and place it in a historical sheet. The challenge is that the chart must be re-configured every month to include the new row.

Is there any way to set the range so that I don't have to manually upddate the historical charts every month?

I tried creating a report with the columns from the history sheet, however, the Primary column is not applicable to the metric, and I can't figure out how to bypass it (even hidden, it appears in the chart range), and it messes up the charting.

I am open to any suggestions — my goal is to not have to update anything manually in our metric reporting.

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