Link/Connect Data from Multiple Sheets to a Compiled Sheet

Good Afternoon everyone,

I'm new to utilizing smartsheets and came across a question that I'm just not able to find an answer to online. Hoping someone may be able to offer some assistance.

I have a 3 sheets which document information for item request forms from different departments. These departments being something like Customer Service, Finance, and Life Safety. The three smartsheets all have the same column headers and data structures that make it up.

I'd like to inquire if it is possible to:

  • 1) Copy data from these three sheets onto 1 compiled sheet
    • (Note: I believe there is an automation template that does this?)
  • 2) I'd like for the data that is changed in the 3 individual sheets to be automatically or manually updated in the compiled sheet

Would it be possible to set something like this in SmartSheets?

Thank you all,



  • SoS | Dan Palenchar
    SoS | Dan Palenchar Community Champion

    Hello @Ron M 20001,

    Answers below!

    Is it possible to: Copy data from these three sheets onto 1 compiled sheet (Note: I believe there is an automation template that does this?)

    You can set up a move or copy row automation to send rows to your CompiledSheet

    Note that you could also just make a report to get all the rows from the 3 Sheets into one view (though this would not handle the modifying of the data portion).

    I'd like for the data that is changed in the 3 individual sheets to be automatically or manually updated in the compiled sheet

    Depending on the nature of the modifications you wish to make you can use a Change Cell and/or Clear Cell automation. More info below:

    Hope this helps!

    School of Sheets (Smartsheet Partner)

    If my answer helped please accept and react w/💡Insightful, ⬆️ Vote Up, ❤️Awesome!

  • @Dan Palenchar
    Thank you for your help, Dan!

    Just to confirm- The "Update Cell Action" automation is the feature that allows changes in one sheet to update in another? Meaning the Compiled Sheet will need to have the "Update Cell Action" automation set on it?

    And to your question about:

    • "Depending on the nature of the modifications you wish to make you can use a Change Cell and/or Clear Cell automation."

    The type of data I'll be modifying is really all in table form with information such as "Order Status", "Shipping Status", and check boxes. Would SmartSheet handle information updating/ processing in this regard?