Gantt start and finish date vs actual start and finish date

Do you know how in MS Project when you enter the actual start and finish date, overrides the initial one, and the following timelines update accordingly? How can I do the same with Smartsheet?


  • Philip Robbins
    Philip Robbins Community Champion

    @Nandafc it's been a long time since I used MS Project but it sounds like you're wanting to use baselining, which Smartsheet can do at a simple but functional level. When in Gantt view you should have the Baselines option next to the gear icon.

    When enabled, this will create columns for baseline start, baseline finish and variance. You can then update your regular start and finish date columns and the variance will track the difference between the (actual) finish and the baseline finish. With dependencies enabled, your schedule will continue to be driven from the the start and finish columns based on the predecessors you define.

  • Nandafc
    Nandafc ✭✭

    I am not able to change the start and finish dates with the dependencies selected. It doesn't allow me, therefore, I can have the timelines updated accordingly. Is there another alternative?