Sum of a column based on multiple factors

I want to take the Sum of Column A from another sheet if column B shows "Loan Declined" and Column C shows either "Underserved" or "Low-Income".

I tried the following formula to achieve this but none of them are reporting the needed information:

=SUMIFS({Column A}, {Column C}, "Underserved", {Column C}, "Low-Income", {Column B}, "Loan Declined")

Is there another formula that can help me obtain the answer that I want to generate?

I appreciate the assistance!

Best Answer

  • STA13
    STA13 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I am not sure if I am applying it correctly.

    I applied this formula:

    =SUMIFS({Denied Loans Obligated Loan Amount}, {Denied Loans underserved low income}, OR({Denied Loans underserved low income} = "Underserved", {Denied Loans underserved low income} = "Low-Income"), {Denied Loans Review Status}, "Loan Declined")

    It states Invalid Operation

    My issue is the column C is a drop-down menu and want to incorporate 2 of the 3 possibilities within this formula. My goal is to capture each applicable row and add the total loan amounts together. I am wondering if I cannot use a drop-down menu to execute this correctly since I want 2 of the 3 options… or maybe I need to separate it further to provide the totals for each separate answer and then I can create a function to provide the full sum.


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    Try this:

    =SUMIFS({Column A}, {Column C}, OR(@cell = "Underserved", @cell = "Low-Income"), {Column B}, "Loan Declined")

  • STA13
    STA13 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I am not sure if I am applying it correctly.

    I applied this formula:

    =SUMIFS({Denied Loans Obligated Loan Amount}, {Denied Loans underserved low income}, OR({Denied Loans underserved low income} = "Underserved", {Denied Loans underserved low income} = "Low-Income"), {Denied Loans Review Status}, "Loan Declined")

    It states Invalid Operation

    My issue is the column C is a drop-down menu and want to incorporate 2 of the 3 possibilities within this formula. My goal is to capture each applicable row and add the total loan amounts together. I am wondering if I cannot use a drop-down menu to execute this correctly since I want 2 of the 3 options… or maybe I need to separate it further to provide the totals for each separate answer and then I can create a function to provide the full sum.

  • STA13
    STA13 ✭✭

    @Paul Newcome I realized that I did not tag you in my last response. Thank you for responding talking through the problem helped me find a solution even if it was having to break it down in order to obtain the same result.

    I appreciate your help!

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    Try leaving the @cell references exactly how they are in my post.

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