what would be the best template in smartsheets for tracking accounts, census, employees, and tasks


Looking for the best template to use to bring different information together. Below is what I am looking to start doing. I hope this makes sense.

Accounts (Facilities) would be pulled in from another smartsheet this way if new accounts are added, they are added to this sheet automatically.

We want to create "zones" for our accounts based on geographically where facilities are located. Zones will be assigned by a facilities county. The county will be pulled over in addition to the name of the facility from another smartsheet.

We will want to assign health to these zones based on performance, tasks (notes) completed.

Tasks would be notes completed. We will assign health based on goals.

Census would be data uploaded from our EMR system. This will give us information we need to analyze our zones on hiring needs and goals. Census will also tie into the zone health to make sure tasks completed is at company goal.

Employees are added in to see where they are in "our zones," so we can properly see where we have need to hire or move around based on census and facility count.

There will be a few sheets that will be created to capture this information but will all come together to show reports and a dashboard.

Thank you!



  • SoS | Dan Palenchar
    SoS | Dan Palenchar Community Champion

    Hello @Mandy L,

    Since you have a clear idea of your column structure and behavior I would suggest creating your own from scratch. Not only will you get what works for you specifically but you will gain some first hand knowledge of how to build tools yourself. Even if you use a template you will inevitably want to change it, better to learn from the start!

    Some other thoughts for you to consider:

    1. Are you wanting Accounts and Zones to be dropdown columns that automatically populate with the values from another Sheet? Note this is not possible natively but can be down with the API or a third party option (we have one at School of Sheets you can see here or at the bottom of this post). The "standard" option is to update your lists by hand whenever needed.
    2. For Tasks - if this is a series of notes consider using the built in conversations/comment function which is in every row at the far left. It has a more organized structure for running notes and other capabilities like tagging users, adding links, visible timestamps, etc.

    School of Sheets (Smartsheet Partner)

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