Chart Error Message Instead of 'No Data' When Overdue Items Report is Empty


  • I have a chart that points to a single grouped report. It is a report that filters for overdue items only, and then the report groups by Assigned To, and does a Summary count of those items. When there are no items overdue, the chart displays that horrible, ugly "Unable to display chart" error message, and of course our client who uses the tool with us, thinks there is something wrong with the tool. Why can't it display the "No data to display" message that displays when I point a chart to a metrics datasheet with zeros in the counts?

  • NickStaffordPM
    NickStaffordPM ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/16/24

    My intial thought would be the formula's you are pulling from in the chart that is unable to display a chart have an error or an non-zero value in them. The chart would be unable to display the error (where as in the no data to display, it can display zeros).

    If this is the case, put an iferror formula equal to 0 around those metrics and you should be able to visualize.

    Let me know if this worked!

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    Nick Stafford

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    The difference is in how a sheet vs a report works. When referencing a sheet, you only have zeros, but there are still rows in use. It is not an empty data source. Just a blank one.

    But when you are using a report, if there are no rows pulled in from filtering, it is an empty data source as opposed to just blanks.