How can I create 30-day reminders that repeat annually?

I created a spreadsheet within Smartsheet to track our software licenses. Our licenses renew annually. I have created an "Expiration Date" field. What I'm trying to do is create a reminder that notifies me via email 30 days before the Expiration Date approaches. I would like for this task to be repeated annually. For example: If I have a license with an Expiration Date of 3/1/2025, I would like to receive an email on 2/1/2025 to remind me that a particular license will expire in 30 days. I would like for this recurrence to never end. Is this automation workflow task possible to do in Smartsheet?


  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Assuming you are updating the expiration date field each time, just add a helper column for "Reminder Date" and set it to "=[Expiration Date]@row - 30" (without quotes) and then set an automation to send a reminder (or even an update request that allows you to enter the new expiration date) using the when a date is reached trigger for that new helper cell.

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Are you wanting this to run without you having to update dates every year?

  • Exactly! I want it to repeat annually automatically

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    In that case, I would use a date type helper column with the following column formula.

    =DATE(YEAR(TODAY()) + IF(TODAY() > DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), MONTH([Initial Expiration Date]@row), DAY([Initial Expiration Date]@row)) - 30, 1, 0), MONTH([Initial Expiration Date]@row), DAY([Initial Expiration Date]@row)) - 30

    The above is assuming you have a column that you are manually entering the initial expiration date into. If you would prefer to leverage a different date such as the License Purchase Date, we can do that too. You would just change your cell reference to that column.

  • After speaking with my colleagues the Expiration Date might change each year. Using your formula for creating a 30-day reminder helper column I made a test spreadsheet with a 3-day reminder column. In this example, I created a workflow that will send me an email message 3 days before the expiration date is reached.

    To test this out, I have software named AGI32 that expires on 7/27/2024. I set the Trigger to Run Once on the 3-Day Reminder date helper column. For the Conditions, I chose the following fields Software Name, Supplier, and Expiration Date. I set the Expiration Date is equal to 7/27/2024. Will I have to update the workflow to change the date annually each time the condition has been met? If so, is there a way for it to automatically update without me having to edit the workflow?

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You shouldn't need the date piece in the Condition.

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