Creating Formula to implement 72 hour advance reservation policy

Hello All,

I'm new to Smartsheet and need help creating a formula. We require people to reserve an item 72 hours in advance but haven't quite found out the correct way to implement this policy well using Smartsheet.

I've come up with this statement to potentially help with implementing the 72-hour in-advance requirement: Item cannot be reserved if the pick-up date is less than 72 hours/3 days of the created date. Requests under 72 hours in advance will be flagged; person who submitted the request will then be sent an update request for a new pick-up date that follows the 72-hour guideline.

  1. Is this the best way to implement the 72 hour policy my office has? What are some other options?
  2. How would you write the formula for either the statement I've written above or one that you believe is more efficient?

Here is a picture of the sheet for reference

I know this is a bit of a wordy request, so I hope this makes enough sense. Thank you!



  • kchenoweth
    kchenoweth ✭✭✭

    Put this formula in your "Flagged" column as a column formula:

    =IF([Pick-Up Date]@row>([Created date]@row+3),1,"")

    Then create an automation that is triggered when the "Flagged" column is flagged that then sends an email with your message to the contact in the "Email Address" column.

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Check out the Formula Handbook template!