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Zap error 403 and 400 withe row update trigger - send row

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


I getting trouble with my Zap.

And so fare i cant figure out the problem.

Is there a way you can help me to get this working again ?


The Smartsheet have been the same all the time, but the problem suddenly startet urly last week.


I reach put to yesterday av got this tip:

Thanks for reaching out! Looks like your Filter step is stopping your Zap from running most times. If you look at your Task history, such as for this most recent task , you can see in yellow which part of the filter stopped the Zap from running. And you can see here each time the Zap did successfully run.

Let us know if you need any more help, and have a great week!  




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