How can I optimize/accelerate data parsing across sheets?

I have a robust sheet that stores the raw data in smartsheets that is then pulled into multiple formulas across different sheets. As the raw data file gets extensive, the sheets and dashboards linked to it have started so slow quite a bit (not updating up to 20 minutes after data input into the raw data file).

So I've begun quarterly data archiving for the raw data file.

That being said, I'm about to embark on another spider web of formulas and sheets and I've been wondering if I've been falling into pitfalls with data storage in Smartsheet. Does anyone have any general advice for utilization of smartsheets for raw data files? (these files are multi-thousand lines long with at least 20 columns).


  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Until Smartsheet increase sheet limits and improves performance for larger data sets there really is no solution, just workarounds. Some suggestions I follow:

    • If possible to spit large sheets based on some set criteria, I currently recommend you do (I try to keep sheets below 5000 rows as much as possible). Use reports to rejoin filtered data for dashboards, etc.
    • Move any calculations from those sheets to downstream sheets or dedicated "summary" sheets.
    • Reduce the number of cross-sheet references by JOINING cells and then splitting them on the downstream sheet(s), admittedly splitting can be tricky but isn't even always necessary.
    • Use cell-links when possible, and if you have access to premium add-ons like Data Mesh you should use that as well.

    Hope others chime in with suggestions as well!

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