Automatically pull PTO time by weekly breakdown based on name and date range from another sheet


I am trying to calculate the number of hours someone will be taking of PTO from a PTO calendar into another sheet that tracks employee hour breakdowns by fiscal week.

Sheet 1 - PTO Request calendar — where team members enter their name, start and end date of their PTO requests and that sheet calculates the number of days off.

Sheet 2 - Staffing plan — breaks down each team members PTO time and project time on a weekly basis based on our fiscal year (May 1 - April 30). This is done w/ 52 columns (column headers are the Monday of each week, 5/1, 5/8, etc.…).

I am trying to be able to pull the time off hours from the PTO calendar and disseminate them accordingly in their appropriate week on the staffing plan sheet. Anyone ever successfully do this?


  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Kelly,

    I am not sure if it's the most efficient solution, but I think I would use and INDEX/COLLECT formula in each of the 52 columns (tedious, but only needed once) that would collect the Vacation Days value when the Employee = Person@row and when WEEKNUMBER({Start Date}) = "weeknumber of column", something like: =INDEX(COLLECT({Vacation Days}, {Employee}, Person@row, {Start Date}, WEEKNUMBER(@cell) = 1), 1) where the bolded 1 is the weeknumber of the corresponding column. Would that work?

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