need help with multiselect column to copy to another cell in same sheet


I have 2 columns, one is a multi select column called Visit Assessments, i have a second column called ECG and in the same row i'm trying to auto populate the column ECG when ECG is selected from the Visit Assessments column and only pull into the ECG column "ECG" to separate it out from other selections in the row cell so essentially it would auto populate into the ECG column by itself in the row. i've tried every formula i can find and nothing is working. Thank you for the help.

Best Answer

  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You could use a formula in the ECG column such as =IF(CONTAINS("ECG", [Visit Assessments]@row), "ECG", "") or you could use an automation rule that says when Visit Assessments has ECG checked, then update the ECG cell. Good luck, hope this helps!
