How to rename multiple files in folders in a workspace com node.js?

Hi everyone, everything fine?

I'm creating code consuming the smartsheet node.js SDK API.

In this case I'm creating code to rename all the files that exist in folders in a workspace, not actually renaming completely just adding something in front of the name like the project name, but I couldn't do that, is there someone here who did something similar ?



  • Isaac A.
    Isaac A. Employee

    Hi @botellhx!

    Currently, Smartsheet Support does not handle SDK-related inquiries. If you’ve tested and found an issue with the SDK, please report it on the relevant GitHub page. You can access the links to these pages in our API documentation here: Smartsheet API Documentation.

    Should you not get a response from the Community, consider checking out StackOverflow to connect with other developers to get more help.



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