What Formula for one "Master ID" with multiple data rows and columns?

Hello, I am trying to use a formula in "7.4 Test" that pulls the same "Master ID" info from "7.3 Test", but the data can be random if it is "Red Phase", "Green Phase", or "Blue Phase" there will always be steps 1,2,3 & 4, but it can be random which color phase comes in, so only one Color will be identified, the other colors will be blank for that particular row item in "7.3 Test". (INDEX(MATCH( will only pull info for the first "MASTER ID in a row, in the example on the attachment, "Master ID 001" rows 2,3,4 are blank when used, since it already found the info for phase A when "001" was identified first. I assume I need an IF statement somewhere.


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