Date Formula Question

I have a date request for each month by week assigned to their DCO’s hierarchy.

  • 1st week of the month Brenda Van Roosenbeek, Daniel Farmer, Carolyn Monroe
  • 2nd week of month Courtney Batey Coates, Sara Speith, and Lisa Funston
  • 3rd week Julie Starry, Kerry O’Leary, and Becky Harper
  • 4th week Alison Swetter, Scott Withers, new DCO

I created a formula build by DCOs per week. I know one issue is the 21 day shift is creating the date shift first.

However, the weeks/dates are shifting and I need to end the week on Saturdays by DCO. Any suggestions?

=IF(OR(CONTAINS("Julie Starry", DCO@row), CONTAINS("Kerry OLeary", DCO@row), CONTAINS("Rebecka Becky Harper", DCO@row)), IF(DAY(TODAY()) <= 21, DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), MONTH(TODAY()), 21), DATE(YEAR(TODAY()) + IF(MONTH(TODAY()) = 12, 1, 0), IF(MONTH(TODAY()) = 12, 1, MONTH(TODAY()) + 1), 21)), "")


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