What is the difference between the Card View and the Board View?

Jef Forward
Jef Forward ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 07/24/24 in Smartsheet Basics

I have yet to discern the benefits of using one over the other. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


  • I think lane view is much easier to follow in the Card view, the Board view has no boundaries displayed. Board view is also very cluttered when you click into Details, too much help showing upfront, should have like a "i" dot that I could click to view if I wanted to, but not "in my face".

    Example: This field is locked and can only be edited by admins

    Then don't show the field enabled if I don't have admin security? and put that message in an information icon.

    So far, my team and I agree on what I mentioned above. We're not that excited about the Board view.

  • Bryan P
    Bryan P ✭✭

    I don't see the benefits of Board View either.

  • I did notice with Board view, you can add a child card to a card/task. This could be helpful if an entry has multiple steps to check off before a full task is complete. Otherwise, how you update/edit the card in Board view pops up on the right of the screen while Card view has a actual pop up on the board.

  • I haven't found benefits to board view that are unique from card view. Looking for tips/tricks for the value of using board view.

  • CWibben
    CWibben ✭✭✭
    edited 08/02/24

    Card & Board view seem to offer the same features. Though card view seems to use the screen real estate better for both columns & # of cards on the screen. I prefer the Card view & would like to offer some enhancements (1) ability to create a card w/out scrolling to the bottom of the column to click "+" ; 2) I'd like to add a subtask to a card that does not already have subtasks. You can add subtasks to a parent card which already has subtasks, but not a card that does not. 3) add swim lanes to card view to further separate various tasks, and 4) ability to eliminate columns in the card view from the dropdown that are not wanted. Thanks.

  • elektra_h
    elektra_h Employee

    Hi all,

    Thank you so much for this valuable feedback. In addition to a modernized UI, board view provides functional differences that enhance efficiency, flexibility, and collaboration like the ability to:

    • Real-time Collaboration and Automatic Saving: Board view automatically saves your work in real-time, eliminating the need to manually save and ensuring you never lose your progress. Multiple users can collaborate on the same sheet simultaneously, with changes being instantly reflected to all collaborators.
    • Provide Clarity and Visualize Task Relationships: Board View offers hierarchical options for task organization. You can choose nested child cards to maintain visual hierarchy or view separate child cards independently from their parent card. This flexibility helps in visualizing and managing complex task relationships effectively.
    • Lane-specific Navigation: Scrolling in board view is lane-specific, allowing you to scroll through lanes independently. This makes it easier to compare tasks across different lanes with varying priorities at a glance, improving navigation and task management.
    • Expanded Card Fields: Board view allows you to display up to 14 fields on your cards, compared to up to 9 in card view in addition to the card title, providing more comprehensive information at a glance.

    Board view is still under active development and more exciting functionality is on the way.  Please continue to share feedback and any ideas you have on how board view can best meet your needs via our Product Feedback Form.

    Thanks again,

    Elektra Helde | Product Marketing | She/Her

  • Jef Forward
    Jef Forward ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for clarifying Elektra. I will check it out in more detail.