Calculation Sheet formula needed

I have an existing Calculation sheet that pulls "linked" information from pivots. I want to simplify and replace with formulas instead from a couple different sheets. (1st Sheet Name: "Migration Grid 03.29.23")

Columns In Reference - Key below:

"Stars Team" = "MS", IV, etc.

"Ident $" = dollars

"IMP $" = dollars

"Valid $" = dollars

"Actual IMP Date" = (format 12/01/23) Include only those with a DATE (no blanks) from 12.01.23 to current

"Status" = Include: "Active", "Completed", "Validated"

"Type" = Exclude "Cost Avoidance" and "Optimization"

I need a formula for my Calculation sheet:

  1. to show the total dollars under "Ident $" for initiatives with a "Stars Team" that is "MS", and only with an "Actual IMP Date" stamped from 12.01.23 to current, and with a "Status" of "Active", "Completed", and/or "Validated", and Exclude the "Type" with "Cost Avoidance" and "Optimization".

@Paul Newcome


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