Automation: Message only alert type, NOT ever combining into a single notification
Apologies in advance, I have looked through several conversations on this topic and am still unresolved.
I have a volunteer worksheet created from a form. The volunteer selects jobs for which they are interested, adds their email and other content.
On the underlying worksheet, a coordinator for the selected job can select APPROVED in the Review Status column for volunteers they select. I then set up an alert triggered by the change of cell from blank to APPROVED in the Review Status column. The alert lets the volunteer know they are approved by that Coordinator and specific next steps.
I used <send to contacts in a cell> to use the volunteer's email that they provided; <send from triggering user> which sends the alert from the Coordinators email and MESSAGE ONLY. The body of the email includes {Review Status}, {Assigned Role} among other content.
In reading more about the alerts I was confused with the statement about Smartsheets combining message alerts into a single notification. What does that mean in the context of the very simple alert I created?
Does that mean if the coordinator APPROVES 10 vol at a time then volunteers will receive the same email and their email addresses will be listed in the TO field visible to all? Or, will 10 emails go out? Or something else?
I do not want to have any volunteers name or email visible to any other volunteer.
Again, apologies for these very simple questions. On top of answering if you could point me in the direction of some basic examples I will attempt to be more self-sufficient.