Using References to pull info across sheets

edited 07/25/24 in Formulas and Functions

I'm new to Smartsheet, so I expect this to be an easy question. I'm using References to pull info across sheets and I need a cell count from the Category Column with an input of "Category 1" only if the Status Column in that row has an input of "Not Started". Here's a copy of my unsuccessful attempt.

=COUNTIFS({Project Status}, "Not Started", {Project Category}, "Category 1")

I get #Incorrect Argument Set error

Appreciate any help on this. Thanks

Best Answer

  • TedJ
    Answer ✓


    OK, if you are having this issue, I will share one solution. On the sheet that I am pulling info from I picked an out of the way cell and wrote this formula,

    =COUNTIFS([Project Status]:[Project Status], "Not Started", [Project Category]:[Project Category], "Category 1")

    Then on the destination sheet I linked the cell that I needed this information, to the cell on the other sheet that I used to create that formula. It worked, although to get updated information on the destination sheet I have to "Refresh" it and the cells update with the info I need. Thanks


  • heyjay
    heyjay ✭✭✭✭✭

    I used your formula and it seems to be working fine for me. That error message usually means an extra comma or missing comma for the function you are using.

    #Incorrect Agurment Set


  • Are you using Reference to pull info across sheets as indicated by the {} brackets in my formula. Asking because I've been at this for two days with no success.

  • TedJ
    Answer ✓


    OK, if you are having this issue, I will share one solution. On the sheet that I am pulling info from I picked an out of the way cell and wrote this formula,

    =COUNTIFS([Project Status]:[Project Status], "Not Started", [Project Category]:[Project Category], "Category 1")

    Then on the destination sheet I linked the cell that I needed this information, to the cell on the other sheet that I used to create that formula. It worked, although to get updated information on the destination sheet I have to "Refresh" it and the cells update with the info I need. Thanks

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