Embedding iFrame onto Dashboard from Airnow.gov

I maintain several facilities scattered across the state. I am attempting to install the Airnow.gov widget, which will display air quality, onto a dashboard.

I get the error "We couldn't find any embeddable content…"

I have attempted using the link to the widget itself: https://widget.airnow.gov/aq-dial-widget/?city=Ontario&state=OR&country=USA

And I have tried copy/pasting the iFrame coding provided by Airnow.gov:

<iframe title="Example 1" height="340" width="230" src="https://widget.airnow.gov/aq-dial-widget/?city=Ontario&state=OR&country=USA" style="border: none; border-radius: 25px;"></iframe>

I receive the same error message either way. When attempting to embed or go directly to the link outside of Smartsheet, everything appears to work normally.

Does anybody know how to embed the Airnow.gov widgets into a Smartsheet dashboard?


Best Answer


  • heyjay
    heyjay ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I believe you can only embed from selected sites,


  • Stephen_at_ODOC
    Stephen_at_ODOC ✭✭✭✭

    That's kind of awkard. On every other platform I use, embedding can be done with any source. It seems wierd that Smartsheet would specifically restrict which sources can be used for content.

    My workaround was to create a (free) Google site which will allow me to embed content and link my Smartsheet to that. Not exactly an integrated solution, but a workaround that I can't use for anything confidential or sensitive.