Does anyone know how to bypass this?

I opened a support ticket, but I can't close this pop-up no matter what I click or what browser I use and I'm wondering if anyone has any insight. I'm LOCKED OUT of my work because of some stupid UI refresh alert.


Best Answer

  • Isaac A.
    Isaac A. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @AV_NGG !

    This issue was previously reported on July 24th, but our engineering team successfully identified and corrected it. Please try refreshing your screen, and you shouldn't see this message again. For more details, you can check our status page: Smartsheet Status.



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  • Isaac A.
    Isaac A. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @AV_NGG !

    This issue was previously reported on July 24th, but our engineering team successfully identified and corrected it. Please try refreshing your screen, and you shouldn't see this message again. For more details, you can check our status page: Smartsheet Status.



    Join us at Smartsheet ENGAGE 2024🎉

    October 8 - 10, Seattle, WA | Register now