Read Only Mode

I'm facing a strange issue, i've created a mastersheet with around 5000rwos and 3500rows have data on it and those rows linked to another four sheets for particular data, now if i open my mastersheet it shows "we weren't able to load your sheet's cell links and had to make your sheet read only for now. sorry about the headache! you can view the sheet now or refresh your browser and try again, Regarding this issue i've raised a ticket also and they responded with delete cookies, try new browser, new network, i've tried everything nothing works, if i save the file as a new file the error is gone but i have to relink all 3500x4 cells again (we can do 500links at a time), it's a long process, please help,

becasuse of this lot of problems i'm facing in my company.

Note : i'm currently on business plan with single user, i have admin access for all the sheets.

in smartsheet site they've mentioned like i can use 500,000 inbound and outbound links
Second question - I've used outbound links like 2,48,000/ and inbound links are 48,000, i used cell link option to pull data from the mastersheet, common data i'm pulling from my mastersheet (which is currently showing error) and after retrieving data from there to three sheets which has another 15colounms additionally(it's department based) they will add additional inputs there. is there any otherway without link option to pull data from the mastersheet also how can i change this from read only to editable version


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