How to create a chart of the sums of sheet summary fields from 2 different sheets?

I have 2 projects with sheet summary fields summing up the number of activities in different statuses (eg not started, in progress, completed).

With a report I was able to pull this data together - I can even sum them up.

What I cannot seem to be able to do though is create a chart based on the total row. Can anyone suggest a solution?

Unfortunately due to smartsheet limitations I cannot reference a report in a grid or reference the sheet summary fields in another grid either :(


  • Kerry St. Thomas
    Kerry St. Thomas ✭✭✭✭✭

    The Summary rows in reports are interesting, aren't they - there's information there that can be valuable. But it technically doesn't exist as a saved row on a sheet somewhere, so it doesn't allow you to display on dashboards. To display on a dashboard, you have to ultimately reference If you have the Pivot App, base it on this report and sum up each column - then you'll have your data in a sheet - which will allow you to pull this info together. If you don't have the Pivot app, I'm not sure what to say: I would suggest you consider putting together a KPI sheet that will effectively do the same thing as a Pivot - essentially, do your roll-ups with a cross-sheet reference instead of Sheet Summary fields. By doing this, you also have control of your naming convention - for example, to abbreviate the sheet names for easy data consumption on the dashboard.

    Good luck!

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