COUNT function linked to another sheet

Eric Hall
Eric Hall ✭✭
edited 07/30/24 in Formulas and Functions

I have a sheet that captures outstanding items for a set of 5 projects that we use to drive weekly status update meetings. I want to create a chart in our dashboard that shows the number of tasks for each project, and possibly one that shows how many have a status of "at risk" or "overdue" which are columns on my sheet.

For the first one, I would think I would use the COUNT function and reference the "Project" column in the original sheet, but something is not working. The function is currently

=COUNT({Regulatory Action Log Range 1}, "ART-123") where Regulatory Action Log Range 1 is the "Project" Column and "ART-123" is the project I want to count. It keeps returning a total of 13 which is the total number of rows in the sheet rather than 4 which is the number of times ART-123 shows up.

For the status count, I have a column with status in it (At Risk or Overdue) and I would think I would need to use the same function or a COUNTIF in the event that I want to know the count of both the project and the status combined (for example, how may at risk items per project).

I know this can all be done simply in a report, but my boss would like something more visual. Is this where a sheet summary might come in handy

Any thoughts are appreciated


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