Formula for validating data between columns

I have two columns that have the same dropdown data. I'd like to be able to make it so that when you check the data in one, it removes it from the other (basically one is things you have, the other is things you need). Is there an easy way to create column formulas to validate between the two?

So in the example above, when I have Bananas, it removes it from the Need column.


  • jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp
    jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp Community Champion
    edited 08/03/24

    Hi @Eric Larsen

    First, we need to get each element of the Have and Need. And compare the elements.

    But handling multiple dropdown lists in Smartsheet is cumbersome Text manipulation.

    Below is a demo solution that uses Text functions like the SUBSTITUTE, LEFT, and FIND functions to get each element of the multiple dropdown list and functions like the CONTAINS to get the Validate list.


    Validate =JOIN(DISTINCT([Validate 1]@row:[Validate 4]@row), CHAR(10))
    Need No. =COUNTM(Need@row)
    Need 1 =IF([Need No.]@row = 1, Need@row, LEFT(Need@row, FIND(CHAR(10), Need@row)))
    Need 2 =IF([Need No.]@row = 2, [Need List -1]@row, LEFT([Need List -1]@row, FIND(CHAR(10), [Need List -1]@row)))
    Need 3 =IF([Need No.]@row = 3, [Need List -2]@row, LEFT([Need List -2]@row, FIND(CHAR(10), [Need List -2]@row)))
    Need 4 =IF([Need No.]@row = 4, [Need List -3]@row, LEFT([Need List -3]@row, FIND(CHAR(10), [Need List -3]@row)))
    Need List -1 =SUBSTITUTE(Need@row, [Need 1]@row, "")
    Need List -2 =IF(ISTEXT([Need 2]@row), SUBSTITUTE([Need List -1]@row, [Need 2]@row, ""))
    Need List -3 =IF(ISTEXT([Need 3]@row), SUBSTITUTE([Need List -2]@row, [Need 3]@row, ""))
    Validate 1 =IF(ISTEXT([Need 1]@row), IF(NOT(CONTAINS([Need 1]@row, Have@row)), [Need 1]@row))
    Validate 2 =IF(ISTEXT([Need 2]@row), IF(NOT(CONTAINS([Need 2]@row, Have@row)), [Need 2]@row))
    Validate 3 =IF(ISTEXT([Need 3]@row), IF(NOT(CONTAINS([Need 3]@row, Have@row)), [Need 3]@row))
    Validate 4 =IF(ISTEXT([Need 4]@row), IF(NOT(CONTAINS([Need 4]@row, Have@row)), [Need 4]@row))

    It would be straightforward if we could use Python.

    set_a = {"bananas", "apples", "pears"}
    set_b = {"oranges", "pears", "apples"}

    # Elements in set_a but not in set_b
    result = set_a - set_b
    print(result) # Output will be {'bananas'}

    Integrating Python into Smartsheet, like Microsoft did with Excel, could be a great idea.

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