COUNTIFS with ANDs and ORs

Hey All, formula help

I am looking to match the logic used in the filters of a report, but the AND and OR or the formula writing is really crossing my eyes.

My criteria is as follows, its the 3 ORs at the end that is my challenge.

{Tasked User} = [User Name]@row

AND {Completion Date} ISBLANK


  • {Submit Task Package} is NOT "Not Assigned", "On Hold", "Accepted"
  • OR {Rework} = "Green"
  • OR {Status} is "With Invoicing" or "With Tech"

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • DKazatsky2
    DKazatsky2 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @John Jonassen,

    One way to do this is to use a "helper" column in the base sheet to handle the OR part of the formula. This can be checkbox with the following formula.

    =IF(OR(AND([Submit Task Package]@row <> "Not Assigned", [Submit Task Package]@row <> "On Hold", [Submit Task Package]@row <> "Accepted"), Rework@row = "Green", [Status]@row = "With Invoicing", [Status]@row = "With Tech"), 1)

    Then, on the sheet where you are using the COUNTIFS, this formula should work.

    =COUNTIFS({Tasked User}, =[User Name]@row, {Completion Date}, ISBLANK(@cell ), {Helper}, =1)

    The helper column can be hidden if needed.

    Hope this helps,


  • John Jonassen
    John Jonassen ✭✭✭✭

    Helper column in the source sheet is not a viable option.

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