Sums and Cross Referencing on two sheets

I have created a sheet to track vacation (Vacation Requests Sheet). A form is submitted that includes Name, # Days Requested, Start and End dates. The Vacation Requests Sheet will then generate a PDF. I am trying to calculate the number of days off to date based on the employee # but need it to start at zero on the first submittal. Once that is complete, I have another sheet (Field Employees Sheet) that has their employee info, including how many days of vacation each is allotted and how many vacation days they've used. I need the vacation used to pull from the Days Off to Date column on the Vacation Requests Sheet. Let me know if you need more info.

Vacation Requests Sheet

Field Employees Sheet


  • RDRGSJ00
    RDRGSJ00 ✭✭✭✭

    Hello K.Nixon,

    Can you provide more details? Is the [Days Off to Date] column a total of the [# Days Requested] column and the [Days Requested] column? Are these two columns duplicates? Why do you only have one [Start Date] and one [End Date]? What formula do you have in the [Remaining Days] column and the [Remaining Vacation Days] column? Can you write in pseudocode the expected formula for the [Days Off to Date] column? (e.g. [Days Off to Date] = [Days Requested] + [# Days Requested]

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