One Way Syncing two sheets

Hi, First time poster, long time user!!

I am trying to create a real time estimated cost list for a client based on data from a project. The master sheet will contain real costs and also contain margins and private company info, and be only shared inhouse. Where a second sheet can be shared with clients and they can see real time costs, but not the margins and some comments etc. I have tried this with automation, copying a row to another sheet when an approved button is ticked, but they do not collate in order of area (budget areas for instance)

Can someone assist?

Another method I considered was hiding certain rows from viewers/commentor's. But have a fear this could lead to accidentally sharing sensitive info.

Thanks in advance XM


  • Cory Page
    Cory Page ✭✭✭✭✭

    Do you have to add new data to the sheet that you want to share with your clients after its been created or is it pretty static? Not worried about the costs changing just curious if you have something that could be used for unique identification so that we can use formula's. Ideal I would want a template for clients that I save as new and add the items they want to track and the formula checks the master for the rest of the data. That's not very easy if there is a lot of changes to the client side sheet as far as items go.

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