Document Folder

Hi everyone,

I need your help. I have a project sheet where each row contains multiple documents attached. I am looking for a way to create different folders and save the documents in the folders. Or how can I save documents to my SharePoint folder.

Any idea will be appreciated.



  • Adrian Mandile CHESS
    Adrian Mandile CHESS ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @AghoT,

    A simple way would be to create folders (or better still use Document Sets!) in SharePoint, with names that match the value a cell in your Smartsheet project register – such as a 'ProjectID' primary column name/number perhaps?

    In that way, you could create a global Smartsheet Sheet Summary text field called 'SharepointProjectsURL' and enter your SharePoint tenant, site name, and projects library name (e.g. ""), then add a Smartsheet column (e.g. called 'ProjectDocsLink') and create a column formula that calculates the full URL for the folder:

    = [SharepointProjectsURL}# + ProjectID@row

    This will create a clickable link to your specific SharePoint project folder.

    Adrian Mandile
    CHESS Consulting Australia - Smartsheet Solution Provider Gold Partner
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