Chart Colors Change to Red and Blue

I have two donut charts set up in a dashboard, one is older and the colors are green and grey. I want to set the 2026 version to match, but when I change the colors and select save, they change back to blue and red. Any ideas? I noticed that the series are "unnamed" on the 2026, and are "true" and "false" on the 2025 version. Does that have something to do with it, and if so, how do I name the series?

Here is a link to a screen recording and an image below.


  • Lauryn Vogt
    Lauryn Vogt ✭✭✭✭

    Here is a link that you should be able to view he screen recording, the link above does not work.

  • Hi @Lauryn Vogt

    Yes, I believe this has to do with the "Series" section being unable to label these metrics in order to apply your specific colours.

    Can you double check what columns you've selected to include with the chart under "Data & Chart Type"?

    Make sure that one column selected has the data, but that you're also selecting a 2nd column for the label. You don't have to show the label, it can be a Hidden legend, but this will help the Series identify what label you want to be each colour.

    I would look at the 2025 chart next to it to see if there is an additional column selected in that one.


    PS - I love that you used a Brandfolder link to share the video! 😊

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  • Lauryn Vogt
    Lauryn Vogt ✭✭✭✭

    @Genevieve P. thanks for the reply! As far as I can tell it is set up the same as the 2025, I even copied and pasted the 2025, then saved as the 2026 and re-linked to the new report for this diagram. The only difference is to get the donut chart to show up for 2026, I have to select Ministry Team Complete in the Columns included. For 2025, it has "All Columns". If I choose all columns for the 2026, It won't let me select a donut chart. I just can't figure out what the discrepancy is between the two that is giving me so much trouble with 2026 and 2025 was easy to get it to show what I wanted.

  • Hi @Lauryn Vogt

    It sounds like you may be using a Grouped Report as your source, is that correct?

    If so, make sure you're only selecting two columns for your Pie Chart: the column with the summary of data, and the Primary Column (which will have the grouping label).

    Make sure you de-select any other columns that have a Summary value, so you only have 2 columns selected. Having multiple columns with numbers is what is blocking the Pie Chart. 🙂

    If this hasn't helped, can you share screen captures of how your source report is set up, and what you're looking to map? (But block out sensitive data!)


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  • Lauryn Vogt
    Lauryn Vogt ✭✭✭✭

    @Genevieve P. I am using a grouped report. I can't figure out how to only select certain columns when setting up the chart. I copied and pasted from the 2025 version, all is set up the same. I will include screen captures and videos again to see if that helps show you what I am seeing and maybe you can help point me in the right direction. I can't figure out why one worked and the second chart is not. —— As I was filming this video, my 2025 chart switched to doing the same thing. So now I have 2 set up with incorrect colors. And I still can't figure out how to only select columns to be charted instead of the entire chart. Hopefully you can let me know what I am doing wrong. I am still new at dashboards, so I am sure it is something I just don't understand yet.

    Here is a link to the updated screen video.

  • Hey @Lauryn Vogt

    Apologies for the delay! Thank you so much for sharing this information, it's super helpful. I see you've applied Grouping and Summary on the same checkbox column.

    I'm able to replicate what you're seeing when the column is checkbox and it's the one used for both Grouping and Summary. I would normally suggest using a formula instead, but I see you have 11 sheets that are feeding into the Report, so it would take a bit of time to set-up.

    I know it's not an ideal solution, but what about changing your Dashboard Theme to auto-apply colours to your graphs/charts based on a colour scheme? This will update the pie or donut chart automatically.

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