Help with Form creation


I am trying to create a smartsheet form that would help me to outfit rooms inside a building with the appropriate gear.

I created 2 sheets with the following headers (columns)

Sheet #1 : two types of headers

1st type: 6 fields already populated

Column 1: Item Identification # (Primary column)

Column 2: Item description

Column 3: Building space

Column 4:Quantity delivered

Column 5:Crate #

Column 6:Box #

2nd type: 6 fields either filled by the person outfitting each space or automatically

Column 7:Quantity received

Column 8:Comment

Column 9:Check box to select if the item is placed in the pre-determined location listed in column 3

Column 10:Outfitted location: if item placed in a room different from column 3, then drop down list of all available locations found in sheet #2 (see below)

Column 11:Modified by (automatically as data is changed for each item)

Column 12: Modified date (automatically as data is changed for each item)

Sheet #2: list of all the room numbers in the building

My questions are:

1-how do I create a form where someone can start typing in the first field part of an item’s Identification Number and suggestions appear => this will need to query sheet #1 Column #1

2- once the Id Number is selected, the other 5 columns (column #2 to 6) get automatically filled

3- Afterwards, can the replies entered by the user in columns 7 to 10 be automatically added into Sheet #1 ?

I have read many posts, watched many videos and tried many things w/o the desired outcome.

I am quite new to SmartSheets, so many aspects of its logic escape me at this point. I can make this work as part of a single sheet where folks only input data to columns 7 to 10, but they first have to filter the data by crate and box #, then find the Id Number.

I would like to make this process much more straight forward for the user.

Thank you for any help you could provide me with,




  • Will.Parente
    Will.Parente ✭✭✭✭✭

    You won't be able to use a form for this information as far as I know. Forms, generally speaking, only take in new rows and new data - they aren't setup to call/respond between the form and the sheet.

    Do you have access to Dynamic Views? You may be able to accomplish what you want in that app.

  • Thank you for your reply Will. I'll look into your suggestion about Dynamic Views. Cheers. Yvan