Formula for "HAS" and "CONTAINS"

I am trying to calculate how many hours each person is allocated to each project. We have list of all of the tasks pulled from each plan and I am trying to write a formula to calculate total hours if the project ID is in the sheet name, if the resource assigned is the person @row and if the start date is today + 7 days.

It is returning #INVALID OPERATION


  • Gillian C
    Gillian C Overachievers

    Hi @Mel_Barnes

    A couple of questions:

    When the Project ID appears in the column you are searching {Resource: All tasks Sheet name}, is it only the Project ID that will be in the cell or is it part of a string of text?

    When the Resource Name appears in the column you are searching {Resource: All tasks Assigned to}, is it only one person that is assigned or can it be multiple resources

  • Hi @Gillian C

    Project ID is part of a string of text (ie. "Plan SM-123 Project Name"), the assigned to could be either one person or multiple resources.

    Many thanks

  • Gillian C
    Gillian C Overachievers

    Hi @Mel_Barnes

    Try adding the bold text to your formula?

    =SUMIFS({Resource: All tasks Hours}, {Resource: All tasks Sheet name},CONTAINS([Project ID]@row, @cell), {Resource: All tasks Assigned to}, HAS(@cell,[Resource Name]@row),{Resource: All tasks Start date}, TODAY() + 7)

  • Mel_Barnes
    Mel_Barnes ✭✭
    edited 08/08/24

    @Gillian C

    It doesn't allow me to bolden specific text in the formula. If I highlight the text and click "bold", it boldens the cell text and still returns #INVALID OPERATION

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