How to use COUNTIF but exclude duplicates?

I want to count the number of jobs for each month of the year but exclude the duplicates, by duplicates I mean jobs with the same number on the same date, I only want to count them once for that day. My two columns are "PM" (the job number) and "Date". Also in these posts what does @cell mean? I see people use it a lot.

If there is also a way to do this in reports that would help too, some way to sort and count on a report but exclude duplicates which I'm not sure you can do.


Best Answer

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    I would suggest a helper column on the source sheet with this column formula:

    =1 / COUNTIFS([Job Number]:[Job Number], @cell = [Job Number]@row, Date:Date, @cell = Date@row)

    For instances where there is only one row with that job number/date column, it should output 1. If there are two rows with the same job number/date, there should be 0.5 on both rows. Basically, if you add up all rows that share a job/date combo, it should add up to 1.

    Then in the sheet with the formula, you can use a SUMIFS on this column along the lines of

    =SUMIFS({Helper Column}, {Date Column}, AND(IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) = 1, IFERROR(YEAR(@cell), 0) = 2024))


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