Process Identifier Automation


I have a formula that should be identifying the next number and adding a number to it based on the next number.

What I am struggling with, it is repeating numbers and I cannot get it to stop.

[Row ID] is an autonumber

[Process Type] is a dropdown with

PP - Parent Process
SP - Sub-Process
3P - Third Party
CA - Critical Applications
CC - Critical Contact
CE - Critical Equipment
CR - Critical Resource
VR - Vital Record

[Site Name] is different site names.

[Confirmed Process Number] is the column that "locks" the process identifier through data shuttle because it pastes the current identifier into the Confirmed Process Number.

=IF([Confirmed Process Number]@row <> "", [Confirmed Process Number]@row, IFERROR(IF(AND(COUNTIFS([Row ID]:[Row ID], <[Row ID]@row, [Site Name]:[Site Name], =[Site Name]@row, [Process Type]:[Process Type], =[Process Type]@row) = 0), LEFT([Process Type]@row, FIND(" - ", [Process Type]@row) - 1) + "-" + (COUNTIFS([Row ID]:[Row ID], <[Row ID]@row, [Site Name]:[Site Name], =[Site Name]@row, [Process Type]:[Process Type], =[Process Type]@row)), LEFT([Process Type]@row, FIND("- ", [Process Type]@row) - 2) + "-" + COUNTIFS([Row ID]:[Row ID], <[Row ID]@row, [Site Name]:[Site Name], =[Site Name]@row, [Process Type]:[Process Type], =[Process Type]@row)), ""))


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