Struggling with a formula

Hello! I'm using the following formula to convert a date to month only.

=IF(MONTH([Audit Due Date]@row) = 1, "January", IF(MONTH([Audit Due Date]@row) = 2, "February", IF(MONTH([Audit Due Date]@row) = 3, "March", IF(MONTH([Audit Due Date]@row) = 4, "April", IF(MONTH([Audit Due Date]@row) = 5, "May", IF(MONTH([Audit Due Date]@row) = 6, "June", IF(MONTH([Audit Due Date]@row) = 7, "July", IF(MONTH([Audit Due Date]@row) = 8, "August", IF(MONTH([Audit Due Date]@row) = 9, "September", IF(MONTH([Audit Due Date]@row) = 10, "October", IF(MONTH([Audit Due Date]@row) = 11, "November", IF(MONTH([Audit Due Date]@row) = 12, "December"))))))))))))

The formula works great, except for the cells that do not have a date (and even that is not consistent). I keep getting #INVALID DATA TYPE. If there is no Audit Due Date, I want the Date Conversion cell left blank. I've tried updating the formula multiple ways, but still get the same result. What am I doing wrong?

Michelle Cullen


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