Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Need help writing a formula. I want to create a row where the date is 30 dates after a cell date, but have an override to put in a manual date without changeing the forumula.

I have a column called

Last Sub Outreach (manual Date)

Next Sub Outreach Override (manual Date)

Next Sub Outreach Auto (Auto calculated as Last Sub Outreach +30)

Next Sub Outreach (auto calculate as the earlier of Override or Auto, unless one is blank and then it will defer to the remaining value)

I need a formula that if Last Sub Outreach, and thus Next Sub Outreach, plus Next Sub Outreach Auto are blank, then Next Sub Outreach is blank. If Next Sub Outreach Auto has a date but Next Sub Outreach Override is blank, it will populate Next Sub Outreach Auto. and, if Next Sub Outreach Override is present, i want it to pull the earlier of the two dates of Next Sub Outreach Override and Next Sub Outreach Auto.

I was thinking an IF where if both Override and Auto are blank, it will remain blank, if only one is present it will use that one, and if both are present it will use the earlier (lessor) or the two dates.

Any help would be appreciated.


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