Cell linking

Hello Community,

On a dashboard when you add a metric widget and link to a sheet it gives you the option to choose cell data or summary data. In a sheet if you link to another sheet there is no option to link to a summary field, on cells. Does anyone know if it is possible to link to summary field from a sheet?

The background is I have a sheet that keeps a running history (rows are added weekly to top) via a form. If you link to cells and I grab the top row of cells when new rows are added the link stays with the original top row and moves down and does now stay linked to top row. I saw someone do a summary field that used INDEX with 1 to essentially grab the top row and that works great but I need to link that to another sheet but the sheet won't let you link to the summary field like the dash widget. I know I could probably get more complicated and have yet another sheet and move the other rows to a separate sheet and only maintain the one sheet but I was trying to keep this simple. Any suggestions?


  • Steve_Mitchell
    Steve_Mitchell ✭✭✭✭

    So I did some searching after the fact and found a solution for now - I created more columns on the sheet that link to the summary fields and then my main sheet links to those fields so even though they keep moving down in the sheet they still have the summary data. Not the cleanest but it appears to work - but open to more elegant solutions since it appears we can't link from one sheet to another sheet summary.