Project IDs and Data Mesh: How do get Data mesh to grab the newest data in a sheet, not the first.

K. Cogan
K. Cogan
edited 08/09/24 in Formulas and Functions

I am building out my organization's portfolio. I have a series of helper sheets that move data through the backend depending on the review venues and approval processes the project may need to go through before it get's its project ID. (See flow chart below) Once a project has been given final approval the row is moved into another helper sheet where it is given it's unique project ID is (a system generated number) This number is then used as a Data Mesh configuration in a helper sheet to only select the columns of information that I want to carry over into the official portfolio- Once that data mesh has run, there is a copy row automation that takes the final information into the portfolio. This solution is also built for working teams to align themselves to existing projects and their project IDs so that our leadership can see the resources that each team is expending towards the different projects. This works GREAT and is so hands off on the backend except for one tiny sticking point….

Here is my issue: There will likely be more than one input with the same project ID in the helper sheet for the data mesh to look through. The Data Mesh looks for the first instance of that Project ID and stops. I need a way to either

  1. Get the newest input to the top of my sheet for data mesh to do its thing. (ideal) OR
  2. Give data mesh enough time to do it's sync, and then move the row out of the holding sheet where it's being referenced to make room for the next line to mesh over. (Issue here is that Smartsheet doesn't allow formulas that reference time, only dates- if a project is in kick-off then there is a likelihood that managers are assigning their people within the same few days to the work and then rows will be moved over that were never synced.)

This should not need human intervention to make happen and I'm trying to make the back end as easy a lift on our team as possible so we can spend our time where its more valuable, project managing projects.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

For what its worth @Smartsheet: Allowing you to decide where a move/copy row hits in your destination sheet should be a feature that you prioritize!

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