Need help adding an AND clause to a countif formula

ClanMcDe ✭✭
edited 08/09/24 in Formulas and Functions

I have a metric sheet with a list of customers that counts the number of orders in an order sheet

The formula I am using is:

=COUNTIF({Analyst Request Tracker with Form Range 5}, Category52)

Need to add an AND clause based on status being equal to "In Progress, or "Not Started" (column located in the Analyst Request tracker with form sheet)

Any assistance appreciated.


  • Shanky Paul
    Shanky Paul ✭✭✭✭✭

    Try the below one:

    =COUNTIFS({Analyst Request Tracker with Form Range 5}, Category52, {Analyst Request Tracker with Form Range Status}, "In Progress") + COUNTIFS({Analyst Request Tracker with Form Range 5}, Category52, {Analyst Request Tracker with Form Range Status}, "Not Started")

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