Organizing Data in a Pie Chart

Hello everyone!

I created a Pie Chart widget from a report on my dashboard but I am not able to organize the order of the pie slices. Currently its presented in ascending order from left to right and I would like to organize the pie slices in a different matter. I would like for the pie chart to be in ascending order based on project status ( N/A, Not started, Started, In progress, On Track and Complete) .

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Best Answer

  • Saul C.
    Saul C. ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    There is probably a better way, but we added a number in from of the text to set the order.

    If you don’t want to see the number, You could do a helper cell to add the number for each option, using a if formula. Then hide the row, but use it to sort the rows into ascending by the hidden row. That way the rows you see would have the status indicator without the number.


  • Saul C.
    Saul C. ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    There is probably a better way, but we added a number in from of the text to set the order.

    If you don’t want to see the number, You could do a helper cell to add the number for each option, using a if formula. Then hide the row, but use it to sort the rows into ascending by the hidden row. That way the rows you see would have the status indicator without the number.

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