Unique ID # generator

edited 08/12/24 in Formulas and Functions

Hey there,

I am fairly new to Smartsheet, sorry if this is answered elsewhere but I haven't found an answer that works for me. Unfortunately I do not have a good formula to share.

I have a Smartsheet set up with different columns such as multiple company names and application Id #. Basically I want to combine them and create a unique identifier #. My criteria is Company 1, Company 2, and Application id.

Is there a formula I could use that would say (Company 1 + Application ID #) = Unique ID #?

Thank you,

Eric Iverson


  • RDRGSJ00
    RDRGSJ00 ✭✭✭✭

    Hello eiverson,

    If I understand you correctly, you want to concatenate two or more columns together to make the unique ID. If so then you can use the + in Smartsheets to concatenate. I have a mock sheet set below:

    Two different scenarios.
    Scenario 1:
    In the column [Company Name] we have a column of type Text/Number and column [App ID] of type Text/Number. In the [Unique ID] column we have the below formula:

    =[Company Name]@row + [App ID]@row

    This will give us "Acme Inc 10125" with nothing in between. If you want to add a comma or something else you can include it in between as such:

    =[Company Name]@row + "," + [App ID]@row

    Scenario 2:
    In the [Name] column we have a column of type Dropdown that allows multiple values per cell. In the [Uni ID] column we have a type text/Number column with the below formula:

    =Name@row + "," + [App ID]@row

    This will give us "Acme Inc. Apple, 10125" the [Name] column and the [Uni ID] column are separated by a ","

    I hope this helps.

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